एपीआई डॉक्स यूनिफाइड एपीआई v2.0

API v1.0

हम एक और API संस्करण भी प्रदान करते हैं जिसमें एंडपॉइंट एक्सेस करना आसान होता है। यदि आप API को लागू करने में नया हैं, तो आप हमारे v1.0 एंडपॉइंट पर स्विच कर सकते हैं।

त्रुटि कोड

Status endpoint-not-found
HTTP Status Code 404
Description API endpoint not found
Status limit-exceeded
HTTP Status Code 401
Description Limit exceeded. Thank you for using our service. Please consider to buy more requests.
Status parameter-first-name-invalid
HTTP Status Code 400
Description The "first_name" parameter is invalid. The parameter can only be a string with a length from 1 to 50 chars.
Status parameter-full-name-invalid
HTTP Status Code 400
Description The "full_name" parameter is invalid. The parameter can only be a string with a length from 1 to 100 chars.
Status parameter-email-invalid
HTTP Status Code 400
Description The "email" parameter is invalid. The parameter can only be a string with a length from 3 to 100 chars and must be a valid email address.
Status key-parameter-missing
HTTP Status Code 400
Description The "key" parameter is not set. Please create an account to fetch an API key.
Status invalid-key
HTTP Status Code 400
Description Invalid API key. You can find your personal API key in your account.
Status invalid-country-code
HTTP Status Code 400
Description The given country code is not valid. You can find a list of valid country codes in our API docs.
Status invalid-ip-address
HTTP Status Code 400
Description The given ip address is not valid. Please provide either a valid IPv4 or an IPv6 address.
Status generic-error
HTTP Status Code 400
Status invalid-json
HTTP Status Code 400
Status invalid-locale
HTTP Status Code 400
Description The given locale is not valid. You can find a list of valid country codes in our API docs.
Status invalid-id
HTTP Status Code 400
Description The given id is not valid. An id can be either an integer or a string with 50 chars at max.
Status mandatory-parameter-missing
HTTP Status Code 400
Description Mandatory parameter missing. Either first_name, full_name or email must be set.
Status content-type-missing
HTTP Status Code 400
Description Content-Type missing. Please add a "Content-Type: application/json" to your API call.
Status missing-json
HTTP Status Code 400
Description We weren't able to find a json body in your API call. Please make sure the body is sent with a POST request to our API endpoint.
Status too-many-queries
HTTP Status Code 400
Description Too many queries in a single API call.
Status too-many-queries-api-key
HTTP Status Code 400
Description Too many queries in a single API call. Your API key is limited to 3 lookups per request.
Status authorization-header-missing
HTTP Status Code 400
Description Your query misses the "Authorization" header with the bearer token.
Status invalid-auth-token
HTTP Status Code 400
Description Invalid authentication token provided. Please log in to your account to find a list of valid tokens or to create a new one.
Status email-invalid
HTTP Status Code 400
Description Invalid or empty email address given.
Status password-invalid
HTTP Status Code 400
Description Invalid credentials. Login failed. Please also check your account that third-party app access is not restricted.: https://gender-api.com/de/account/password
Status label-invalid
HTTP Status Code 400
Description Invalid label given. A label must be a string between 2 and 30 chars.
Status email-account-not-found
HTTP Status Code 400
Description No Gender-API.com account found. Please create a free account first, to sign-in with Google or try to login with an existing username or password.
Status invalid-list-of-names
HTTP Status Code 400
Description Invalid list of names. Expected array of strings.
यह उत्पाद MaxMind द्वारा बनाई गई GeoLite2 डेटा शामिल करता है, जो उपलब्ध है http://www.maxmind.com.