Within the last months our team has worked very hard, to put a big update together.
To provide you a better user experience we've upgraded the API as well as the entire web page.
We put a list together to give you an overview of the new features.
Improved CSV and Excel upload
We've made several adjustments to our CSV and Excel upload to improve results under rare edge cases. Also, the assistant now scales better on devices with a smaller screen like tablets and smartphones.
Completely rewritten usage statistic
We've rewritten the usage statistic in your account. The widget now also better scales on tablets and smartphones and gives you a faster overview of the spent requests.
All new authentication token manager
The token manager in your account now works more intuitively and has been better integrated into the existing system. You can generate different keys to access the for different projects. This keys can also be deleted at any time.
Fully redesigned list of recently processed files
The list of processed Excel and CSV files in your account got a full redesign and is now much more responsive. You can now see if a file is still being processed and download or delete your files here at any time.
Improved dark mode
You can choose to use a dark mode on more and more browsers and devices. The website supported the browsers dark mode flag from the beginning. We're making continuous improvements here to make this experience even better. Also, we've replaced our contact form with a completely rewritten one. The widget now better supports the dark mode browser setting.
Thanks to all our customers to make this possible. Stay safe.